Watch Streaming Racket Girls in Best Quality. Online Streaming Racket Girls in Best Video Format. Full Movie Streaming Racket Girls in Top Video Format. Watch Full Movie Racket Girls in HD Video. Download Movie Racket Girls in High Definition Quality.

You will observe total description of Racket Girls below:
- Original Title : Racket Girls
- Movie title in your country : Racket Girls
- Year of movie : 1951
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1951-03-05
- Companies of movie : Arena Productions, Screen Classics (II),
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 70 Min
- Average vote of movie : 1
- Youtube ID of movie : IBkcr4LDAtc
- Translation of movie : EN,
- Cast of movie :Jimmy Lennon Sr. (Jimmy Lennon), the Book-keeper), Doris Ives (Beverly, Peaches Page ('Peaches' Page), Phil Bernard (Mr. Big, Tony Zarro (Lefty, a Mobster), Bruce Spencer (Eddie, Wrestling Referee), a Mobster), Phil Solomon (Phil Solomon, The Panther Woman (Woman Wrestler (uncredited)), a Bookie), a Gangster), World Champion), Rita Martínez (Rita Martinez, the Gang Leader), Mary Jean Walker (Jackie, Clara Mortensen (Clara Mortensen, Don Ferrara (Joe the Jockey), Timothy Farrell (Umberto Scalli), Paul Merton (Monk, Champion of Mexico), Matt Douglas (Ronnie, William Lamont (Senate Investigator), The Leopard Lady (Woman Wrestler (uncredited)), an Unemployed), Muriel Gardner (Ruby McKenzie)
Racket Girls is the most effective movie manufacured by Arena Productions, Screen Classics (II), that comes with a description of the movie is "Scalli is a gangster who manages women wrestlers as a front for his bookmaking, drug, and prostitution rackets. He trusts the wrong people and ends up trying to run away from both the police and mysterious mob boss Mr. Big, to whom he owes $35,000.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and greatest starring actors.
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Director : Robert C. Dertano, Director of Photography : William C. Thompson, Writer : Robert C. Dertano, Art Direction : Dan Sonney, Producer : George Weiss, Editor : Robert C. Dertano, Set Decoration : James R. Connell
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Tags: female wrestling,
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