Online Streaming Lucky Trouble in Best Look Video Format. Download Full Lucky Trouble in High Quality. Play Movie Lucky Trouble in High Quality Video. Full Streaming Lucky Trouble in HD Video. Watch Streaming Lucky Trouble in Best Video Format.

You will discover a full description of Lucky Trouble below:
- Original Title : Выкрутасы
- Movie title in your country : Lucky Trouble
- Year of movie : 2011
- Genres of movie : Romance, Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2011-01-12
- Companies of movie : Bazelevs Production,
- Countries of movie : Russia,
- Language of movie : Pусский,
- Durationof movie : 90 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.3
- Youtube ID of movie : wUP3UjHp8Js
- Translation of movie : IT,PT,TR,PL,RU,EN,DE,ES,BG,HE,SR,
- Cast of movie :Sergei Selin (Mer), Ivan Urgant (Danya), Aleksandr Robak (Botsman), Aleksandra Nazarova (Babushka), Tatyana Lyutaeva (Podruga mamy Nadi), Galina Loginova (Mama Nadi), Sergey Garmash (Khlybustin), Vladimir Menshov (Tryokhgolovich), Milla Jovovich (Nadya), Roman Madyanov (Inspektor DPS), Konstantin Khabenskiy (Kolotilov), Olga Tumaykina (Dalinska)
Lucky Trouble is a better movie provided by Bazelevs Production, possessing description of the movie is "Who said you have to win to be a champion? Slava Kolotiloff, a schoolteacher from a sleepy seaside town by the name of "Fingers" comes to conquer Moscow with the manuscript to his first novel in hand. But instead, quite by accident, he conquers the heart of a beauty named Nadia (Milla Jovovich). As their wedding approaches, Slava needs only to quit his job and tie up loose ends back in "Fingers" before returning to Moscow to start a new life with his new bride. But due to a number of bizarre circumstances he is unable to leave and back in the big city, the wedding goes on regardless as Nadia has to fend off the attentions of her ex-boyfriend Danya, who seems ready to do whatever it takes to win her back.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and best starring actors.
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Writer : Roman Nepomnyashchiy, Director : Levan Gabriadze
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