Full Movie Streaming The Boy in Blue in Top Video Format. Watch Full Movie The Boy in Blue in Top Quality. Watch Streaming The Boy in Blue in High Definition Quality. Download Movie The Boy in Blue in High Quality. Play Movie The Boy in Blue in HD Video.

You will an extensive description of The Boy in Blue below:
- Original Title : The Boy in Blue
- Movie title in your country : The Boy in Blue
- Year of movie : 1986
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1986-01-17
- Companies of movie :
- Countries of movie : Canada,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 100 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.3
- Youtube ID of movie : qBKrD-0ZX-Q
- Translation of movie : IT,EN,FR,DE,CS,
- Cast of movie :Melody Anderson (Dulcie), James B. Douglas (Collins), Philip Craig (Kinnear), Christopher Plummer (Know), Walter Massey (Mayor), Sean Sullivan (Walter), David Naughton (Bill), Nicolas Cage (Ned Hanlan), Austin Willis (Bainbridge), Cynthia Dale (Margaret)
The Boy in Blue the proper movie provided by that comes with a description of the movie is "Ned Hanlan was Canada's most successful sculling champion at the turn of the 20th century. This dramatization of his life begins in his youth, when the wild young man is informally adopted by a gambler who promotes Ned on the sculling circuit, betting on the boy's rowing skills solely to make money off him. Later, a ruthless businessman named Knox takes over Ned's career, but when Ned realizes how dishonest Knox is, he finds another manager. Walter is an inventor and the first honest man Ned has dealt with in his career and, under Walter's guidance, Ned rises to great success in the sculling world.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and best starring actors.
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Director : Charles Jarrott, Writer : Douglas Bowie, Producer : John Kemeny, Associate Producer : Paulo De Oliveira
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