Full Movie Streaming Pawn Sacrifice in HD Format. Download Full Pawn Sacrifice in Best Quality. Online Streaming Pawn Sacrifice in Best Video Format. Play Movie Pawn Sacrifice in Best Look Video Format. Watch Full Movie Pawn Sacrifice in High Quality Video.
You will observe a complete description of Pawn Sacrifice below:
- Original Title : Pawn Sacrifice
- Movie title in your country : Pawn Sacrifice
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Thriller, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-09-16
- Companies of movie : PalmStar Media, Gail Katz Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 115 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.7
- Youtube ID of movie : YpHXBKvmmKo
- Translation of movie : TR,PT,EN,FR,HE,HU,ZH,EL,CS,NL,PT,UK,JA,CA,ES,DE,PL,RU,FI,KO,IT,DA,
- Cast of movie :Carlo Mestroni (Reporter #2 (Vancouver)), Eugene Nomura (Japanese Anchorman), Alain Goulem (Reporter #1 (Vancouver)), Francois Cote (Marshall Heavy), Dennis Staroselsky ((uncredited)), Shawn Campbell (Cyril Pustan), Michael Stuhlbarg (Paul Marshall), Mark Slacke (Icelandic Journalist), Joe Cobden (Motel Clerk), Vitali Makarov (Yovanovic), Lydia Zadel (Kissing Woman (uncredited)), Vito DeFilippo (Russian Opponent (Bulgaria 1967)), Alexandre Gorchkov (Iivo Nei), Eric Lee Huffman (KGB Bodyguard), Jonathan Dubsky (Tremblay's Aide), Peter Sarsgaard (Father Bill Lombardy), Sophie Nélisse (Young Joan), Matt Keyes (JFK Airport Journalist), Raphael Grosz-Harvey (Donald Byrne), Robin Weigert (Regina Fischer), Richard Jutras (Referee - Santa Monica), Brent Skagford (Businessman (Motel)), Sigurbjörn Guðmundsson (Icelandic Policeman (uncredited)), Conrad Pla (Carmine Nigro), Serge Martineau (Limousine driver), Ilia Volok (KGB Agent), Norman Lehnert (German Reporter), Alexandra Van Loon (Joan's Daughter), Glen Bowser (Bus Driver), Grace Anne (Bobby Fischer Fan (uncredited)), Nathaly Thibault (Press Conference (uncredited)), Igor Ovadis (Russian Bookstore Owner), Sam Stone (Deli Customer), Zach Fraser (Long Haired Hippy), Spiro Malandrakis (Reporter), Roc LaFortune (Official (Soviet Accres.)), Benoit Priest (Texan Trucker (uncredited)), Carlo Mestroni (Vancouver Reporter), Maurice Demers (President Brezhnev), Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick (Teen Bobby Fischer), Marco Verdoni (Joan's Husband), Al Dubois (NBC Reporter), Edward Zinoviev (Geller), David Pryde (50's Reporter), Lily Rabe (Joan Fischer), Andreas Apergis (Uncle Paul), Shanmugasunder Chetty (Foreign Reporter #2 (East Indian)), Arthur Holden (Party Guest), Liev Schreiber (Boris Spassky), Katie Nolan (Maria), Mohsen El Gharbi (Foreign Reporter #3 (Dutch)), Edward Yankie (President Nixon), Tobey Maguire (Bobby Fischer), Arthur Holden (Party Guest #3 (Fischer Apt.)), Evelyne Brochu (Donna), Andrew Peplowski (ABC News Anchor), Peter Janov (KGB Agent), François Ducharme (Bent Larsen), Aiden Lovekamp (Young Bobby Fischer), Ellen David (Party Guest #1 (Fischer Apt.)), Rosaruby Kagan (Party Guest #2 (Fischer Apt.)), Yanick Bousquet (Foreign Reporter #1 (French)), Brett Watson (Lothar Schmid), Bobo Vian (Bookstore Owner's Wife), Al Vandecruys (Arbiter - Bulgaria), John Maclaren (Theodore Tremblay), Natalija Ugrina (Bikini Babe (uncredited))
Pawn Sacrifice is the very best movie provided by PalmStar Media, Gail Katz Productions, which has a description of the movie is "American chess champion Bobby Fischer prepares for a legendary match-up against Russian Boris Spassky.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and greatest starring actors.
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Screenplay : Christopher Wilkinson, Screenplay : Stephen J. Rivele, Producer : Gail Katz, Producer : Tobey Maguire, Editor : Steven Rosenblum, Director : Edward Zwick, Screenplay : Steven Knight
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Tags: chess, cold war, russia, biography, victory,
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