Play Streaming The Crowd Roars in Top Quality. Watch Full Movie The Crowd Roars in HD Video. Download Movie The Crowd Roars in High Quality. Full Streaming The Crowd Roars in High Quality Video. Download Full The Crowd Roars in Best Video Format.

Notice an extensive description of The Crowd Roars below:
- Original Title : The Crowd Roars
- Movie title in your country : The Crowd Roars
- Year of movie : 1932
- Genres of movie : Action, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1932-04-16
- Companies of movie : Warner Bros.,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 85 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4
- Youtube ID of movie : pdjZle0plb0
- Translation of movie : DE,ES,IT,EN,FR,
- Cast of movie :William Gould (Track Doctor), the Counterman), John Conte (Third Announcer), Fred Frame (Himself), Eric Linden (Edward 'Eddie' Greer), Himself), Joe's Mechanic), Phil Pardee (Himself), James P. Burtis (Red, Bryan Salspaugh (Himself), Stubby Stubblefield (Himself), Edward McWade (Tom Beal, Ralph Hepburn (Himself), Joan Blondell (Anne Scott), Ralph Dunn (Racetrack Official), Eddie's Pitman), Reid Kilpatrick (Announcer at Tote Board), Wilbur Shaw (Himself), Mel Keneally (Himself), Regis Toomey (Dick Wilbur), Wendell Niles (First Radio Announcer), James Cagney (Joe Greer), Jack Brisco (Himself), Sol Gorss (Replaced Driving Mechanic), Shorty Cantlon (Himself), Frank McHugh (Spud Connors), Charlotte Merriam (Mrs. Ruth Connors), Fred Guisso (Himself), Leo Nomis (Jim), John Harron (Red, Billy Wayne (Assistant Pitman), Guy Kibbee (Pop Greer), Billy Arnold (Bill, Lou Schneider (Himself), Spider Matlock (Himself), Sam Hayes (Second Announcer), Ann Dvorak (Lee Merrick), Harry Hartz (Himself)
The Crowd Roars the proper movie excreted by Warner Bros., with a description of the movie is "Famous motor-racing champion Joe Greer returns to his hometown to compete in a local race. He discovers his younger brother has aspirations to become a racing champion, and during the race Joe loses his nerve when another driver is killed, leaving his brother to win. Joe's luck takes a plunge whilst his brother rises to height of fame.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and finest starring actors.
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Director of Photography : John Stumar, Stunts : Harvey Parry, Story : Howard Hawks, Director of Photography : Elmer Dyer, Editor : Thomas Pratt, Assistant Director : Richard Rosson, Director of Photography : Carl Akeley, Director of Photography : Ray Ramsey, Director : Howard Hawks, Writer : Seton I. Miller, Writer : Kubec Glasmon, Sound : Robert B. Lee, Production Supervisor : Raymond Griffith, Director of Photography : Sidney Hickox, Makeup Artist : Perc Westmore, Art Direction : Jack Okey, Writer : John Bright, Writer : Niven Busch
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