Full Movie Streaming Carman: The Champion in High Quality. Watch Streaming Carman: The Champion in Top Video Format. Full Streaming Carman: The Champion in High Definition Format. Play Movie Carman: The Champion in Best Look Video Format. Watch Full Movie Carman: The Champion in HD Format.

Notice an extensive description of Carman: The Champion below:
- Original Title : Carman: The Champion
- Movie title in your country : Carman: The Champion
- Year of movie : 2001
- Genres of movie : Drama, Action,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2001-03-02
- Companies of movie :
- Countries of movie :
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 90 Min
- Average vote of movie : 2.8
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : DE,EN,
- Actors of movie :Steve Albert (Himself), Hector Elias (Bernard), Jed Allan (Laracco), Patricia Manterola (Allia), Betty Carvalho (Geneva), Kevin Rankin (Scrappy), Romeo Fabian (Cesar), Scott L. Schwartz (Big Mike), Bill Boggs (Himself), Simon Brooke (Victor Anderson), Michael Nouri (Freddie), Jay Arlen Jones (Johnny), Jeremy Williams (Keshon Banks), Carman (Orlando Leone), Eric Mosely (Buddha)
Carman: The Champion is the best movie excreted by who have a description of the movie is "Former champion boxer Orlando Leone (Carmen) is "The Preacher" at an inner-city youth center. Wanting to give something back to the community, he bought a large building for a church youth center. But the cash ran out before he could finish fixing it up and now, the mortgage company is about to foreclose. With his bills mounting he agrees to one last fight.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and greatest starring actors.
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Director : Lee Stanley
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Tags: sport, drama, christian film,
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