Online Streaming The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix in Top Video Format. Download Full The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix in HD Format. Play Streaming The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix in Top Quality. Play Movie The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix in Best Look Video Format. Watch Streaming The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix in Best Quality.
You can understand an extensive description of The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix below:
- Original Title : Flåklypa Grand Prix
- Movie title in your country : The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix
- Year of movie : 1975
- Genres of movie : Animation, Family, Adventure, Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1975-08-28
- Companies of movie : Caprino Filmcenter a/s,
- Countries of movie : Norway,
- Language of movie : Dansk, Norsk,
- Durationof movie : 88 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.6
- Youtube ID of movie : XUuQwPOfQ1M
- Translation of movie : ES,FR,NB,EN,DA,NO,RU,FI,DE,SV,CA,
- Actors of movie :Helge Reiss (Rudolf Blodstrupmoen), Rolf Just Nilsen (Roger Jurtappen), Kari Simonsen (Solan Gundersen), Leif Juster (Narrator), Wenche Foss (Enkefru Stengelføhn-Glad), Rolf Just Nilsen (Ben Redic Fy Fazan), Toralv Maurstad (Ludvig), Per Theodor Haugen (TV-reporter), Rolf Just Nilsen (Ollvar O. Kleppvold), Harald Heide-Steen Jr. (Emanuel Desperados), Frank Robert (Reodor Felgen), Rolf Just Nilsen (Hallstein Bronskimlet), Henki Kolstad (Racetrack speaker), Rolf Just Nilsen (Jostein Kroksleiven)
The Pinchcliffe Grand Prix is a good movie provided by Caprino Filmcenter a/s, along with description of the movie is "100 miles north, a bit east and up, is Flåklypa... home of bicycle repairman Reodor Felgen and his two assistants - Solan Gundersen, morning bird and natural born optimist, and Ludvig who is a true pessimist. Sponsored by oil sheik Ben Redic Fy Fazan, they build the car "Il Tempo Gigante" and the race of the decade is a fact.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and finest starring actors.
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Original Music Composer : Bent Fabricius-Bjerre, Production Manager : Remo Caprino, Screenplay : Kjell Syversen, Director : Ivo Caprino, Screenplay : Ivo Caprino, Assistant Director : Remo Caprino, Set Decoration : Bjarne Sandemose, Editor : Ivo Caprino, Screenplay : Remo Caprino, Screenplay : Kjell Aukrust
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